Adam Marshall is honored to have an opportunity to work for your vote for election to the Greensboro City Council as your District 4 representative. Adam was born and raised right here in Greensboro, and except for his time away in college and law school, he has called Greensboro home and has been a resident of District 4. Adam is a proud graduate of the Guilford County Schools of Sternberger, Kiser, and Grimsley! Most importantly, Adam is a husband to his wonderful wife Lauren, and together they are raising two beautiful children.
Adam is an attorney and partner in a law firm who has been practicing law in Greensboro for roughly 17 years. In 2025 Adam was honored as a recipient of the North Carolina Lawyers Weekly Leader in the Law Award. This is awarded to members of the bar who have made important contributions to the practice of law in the state and to the local legal community and/or community at large.
Adam is incredibly committed to public service and particularly, city governance. This is illustrated by his years of dedication to the City of Greensboro by serving on its boards and commissions. Since 2012 Adam has been volunteering his time and efforts by serving on the following boards and commissions:
Greensboro Human Relations Commission
Greensboro Board of Adjustment
Greensboro Zoning Commission (Term as Chair)
Greensboro Criminal Justice Advisory Commission (Term as Chair)
Greensboro Alcohol Beverage Control Board (Current Board Member)
Adam served for six years as a member of the Greensboro Zoning Commission, including a term as Chair. In doing so, he saw firsthand many of the processes and procedures in place that affect housing, property development and redevelopment, and economic development within the City of Greensboro. Adam witnessed the importance of the work between private stakeholders and City staff to try to ensure quality development and land use in Greensboro. This is an experience that Adam will draw upon when making land use decisions as a City Council member. Similarly, Adam has served as a member of the Greensboro Criminal Justice Advisory Commission, again with a term as Chair. The Greensboro Criminal Justice Advisory Commission (GCJAC) is tasked with a wide range of objectives across the justice continuum. GCJAC's purpose is to: Identify, address and monitor issues; Educate and advocate for the public by hosting forums on various justice-related topics and studying trends in policing strategies within the Greensboro Police Department; Providing perspective on policies that affect the public’s interaction with law enforcement. This service illustrates Adam’s commitment to public safety, and support for both for the Police Department and the citizens they serve.
Adam’s commitment to the City of Greensboro is not limited to his service on boards and commissions. While Adam no longer considers himself a “young professional,” Adam was a member for many years (including a term as a council member) of synerG, which falls under the umbrella of Action Greensboro. synerG’s mission is to attract, engage, and connect young professionals in Greensboro. Something he will continue to do as a City Council member. Adam has completed Greensboro’s City Academy, whose mission is to develop future leaders and build a better community through the efforts of well informed and civically engaged residents. Adam is also a graduate of the Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Greensboro program. Additionally, Adam completed the North Carolina Bar Association’s Public Service Academy, a non-partisan program to educate attorneys about the ins and outs of running for office.
Adam’s years of distinguished service to the City of Greensboro and community, shows his passion for city governance and his commitment to serving the citizens of Greensboro as a member of the City Council. Adam would be honored to receive your vote for the District 4 City Council seat.

About Adam